Monday, January 21, 2008

day 4 jan 21 B

Cyclists ride past New Years decorations in Ho Chi Minh City.

Detail of inside of the Cao Dai Holy See in Tay Ninh.

Followers of Caodaism pray during their afternoon service at the Cao Dai Holy See.

A street vendor serves a sandwich on the streets of Ho Chi Minh City.

A statue of Ho Chi Minh with child stands in front of City Hall in Ho Chi Minh City.

1 comment:

mieke said...

Love love love the pic of mass
in that strangely pink and white
church. So glad you're being brave
and wandering around by yourself.
Sounds like the food and the weather aren't exactly your idea
of paradise, but hell girl, you're
going to come back with some
amazing stories! Be safe, ah heck,
I'd be scared of you in a dark alley, nothing to worry about there!